Welcome to oose

Helene Renn


In Requirements Engineering, I find it exciting to delve into a new domain with each new project and actively contribute to the development of innovative software solutions. I am convinced that a deep understanding of the needs of customers is the key to successful projects. Thanks to my practical experience in software development and Requirements Engineering, I understand the challenges that come with it. My extensive project management experience allows me to efficiently coordinate resources and complete projects on schedule.

My passion is to share my knowledge and inspire others. That's why I work as a trainer at oose, where I share my expertise in seminars and workshops. My focus areas include Requirements Engineering, Usability, and User Experience. It excites me to support others in their development and provide them with the necessary skills to excel in their projects.

In my free time, I am drawn to the beautiful outdoors, where hiking allows me to recharge. These moments in nature give me clarity and inspiration – and this energy directly contributes to my consulting work.