Welcome to oose

Jonas Larbalette


As a freelance trainer and consultant, Jonas Larbalette supporst organizations in working better together. His focus is on the interface between moderation and facilitation of workshops, systemic coaching and conflict counseling and mediation.

What fascinates him every time is the moment when complexity and stagnation are suddenly transformed into clarity and new energy with the help of clever methodology. His motivation as a trainer, facilitator and systemic coach is to facilitate these "aha moments".

His focus is on soft skills with the topics of communication and moderation techniques, conflict counseling and mediation as well as creativity and idea generation.

Outside of seminar or workshop days, you can meet him on the running track between Fischmarkt and Blankenese, in cozy cafés with good filter coffee or at events with electronic dance music - in front of or behind the DJ booth.

As a cooperation partner, Jonas Larbalette supports oose in the area of soft skills.