Welcome to oose

Tina Busch


As a trainer and facilitator, my focus is on soft skills with the topics of communication, conflict management, leading discussions, creativity techniques, idea generation as well as design thinking and LEGO® Serious Play®. I support companies and teams in adopting new perspectives in a playful way and developing the courage to break new ground.

What particularly fascinates me in my work is the enthusiasm and high level of motivation that develops in the participants when they use playful elements to shed new light on topics from the "serious" world of work and perhaps even turn them upside down.

In my work as a coach, I work with employees to develop individual solutions and development opportunities based on their own resources and goals.

In my private life, I like to let the wind blow around my nose while walking along the Elbe or on the North Sea. If I have my camera with me and discover a piece of driftwood or two, all the better.